Archives 2024

Windows 10 – End of Support

Article (PSA-0028)
Submitted by: Billy Joe Long
Company: PSA Computer Services
Titled: Windows 10 – End of Support

Microsoft has announced that it will officially end support for the Windows 10 operating system on October 14, 2025. This means you will need to upgrade to Windows 11 or switch to another operating system, if you have not already. For many people switching to another operating system, such as Apple Macintosh or Linux, is not possible and so I will not be addressing that option in this article. In this article we will take a look at the challenges related to the Windows 11 upgrade from Windows 10.

When considering the upgrade to Windows 11 you must first determine whether your computer hardware meets system requirements. Just because your computer runs really well with Windows 10 does not mean it will run Windows 11. So lets go over the most significant requirements likely to cause you issues.

First up is your CPU. The basic requirements are not overly burdensome and most computers will meet these basics: 1Ghz or faster and 2 cores or more. The real issue is that your CPU must have been “approved” by Microsoft and appear on their list which can be found here: Not all CPUs running 1Ghz or faster and that have 2 cores or more are on their list. If your CPU does not appear on their list, your upgrade to Windows 11 will fail.

The next significant requirement which may prevent you from upgrading to Windows 11 is related to the System Firmware. It must be UEFI. The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, which is a modern version of the PC BIOS, supports “Secure Boot”. Secure Boot must be enabled to upgrade to Windows 11.

The final significant requirement which may cause issues is TPM 2.0. The Trusted Platform Module 2.0 chip is a secure crypto-processor and is required to upgrade to Windows 11.

So, you may be asking yourself – does my PC meet these requirements? To find out, simply search for “PC Health Check” from the Windows 10 search bar. If the app is already installed on your computer, it will appear in your search results. If it is not, you will see a link to a Microsoft site where you can download the PC Health Check app. Here is the direct link to download the app: Once the app is installed, run it. At the top you will see a button to “Check now”. The app will scan your system to see if you meet the requirements for Windows 11. If not, it will let you know what you are lacking.

Ultimately, if your current PC can not be upgraded … you will need a new computer to run Windows 11. I understand this is problematic for many people, especially in todays economy when must of us are struggling to put food on the table, but it is a choice Microsoft made and one we all will have to live with for now.

You can reach PSA Computer Services at (707) 506-6802 or check us out on the web at

A Brief Introduction to AI

Article (PSA-0027)
Submitted by: Billy Joe Long
Company: PSA Computer Services
Titled: A Brief Introduction to AI

It’s pretty much all you hear about in the world of technology anymore, AI. As AI continues to be developed, it is expected to have a significant impact on many aspects of our lives, from healthcare and education to transportation and entertainment. If it is expected to be such an integral part of our lives, it seems important to have a basic understanding of what AI actually is. And so, without further ado, lets ask AI what it is. (The following answer was generated by asking the Brave browser AI “What is AI?”. I have adjusted the formatting of the information, very slightly, for readability.)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. It involves the development of algorithms and statistical models that enable machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as:
• Expert Systems: AI applications that mimic human decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
• Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI’s ability to understand, interpret, and generate human language.
• Speech Recognition: AI’s ability to recognize and interpret spoken language.
• Machine Vision: AI’s ability to interpret and understand visual data from images and videos.

AI is an interdisciplinary field that combines computer science, mathematics, and engineering to build machines that can:
• Reason: Make decisions based on data and logic.
• Learn: Adapt to new information and improve performance over time.
• Act: Perform tasks and make decisions autonomously.

AI has numerous applications across various industries, including:
• Industrial Automation: AI-powered machines and robots that can perform tasks with precision and speed.
• Scientific Research: AI-assisted data analysis and discovery.
• Creative Industries: AI-generated art, music, and writing.

There are several types of AI, including:
• Reactive Machines: These machines can carry out specific commands and requests, but they cannot store memory or rely on past experiences to inform their decision making in real time.
• Limited Memory AI: These systems have the ability to store previous data and predictions when gathering information and making decisions.
• Self-Aware AI: These systems have the ability to understand their own existence and can make decisions based on their own goals and motivations.

Examples of AI in Action:
• AI-powered software can analyze CT scans and alert neurologists to suspected strokes.
• Online virtual health assistants and chatbots can provide general medical information, schedule appointments, and complete other administrative tasks.
• AI-powered software can analyze images and identify objects, such as human faces, animals, and vehicles.

In Simple Terms:
AI is a way to develop systems that can think and learn like humans, but it’s not meant to replace human intelligence. The goal is to create systems that can take over tasks that are too menial, dangerous, or time-consuming for humans, freeing us up to focus on more important things.

You can reach PSA Computer Services at (707) 506-6802 or check us out on the web at

Scams and Scammers – Email

Article (PSA-0026)
Submitted by: Billy Joe Long
Company: PSA Computer Services
Titled: Scams and Scammers – Part 3 (Email)

There are many types of scams and scammers you may encounter throughout your life. In the last article we talked a little bit about “Phone Scams” and what you can do when it happens to you. In this article we will address “Email Scams”.

Like the other scams, the purpose of an email scam is to trick you into giving the scammer your personal information or allowing them to install malicious software on your device. The personal information they want will be important things, such as login passwords, user names, account numbers or your social security number. The malware they install will be used to gather information from your device and/or hijack your device in what is called a ransomware attack. Ransomware attacks render your device unuseable until you pay the fee required by the attackers. Even then it is highly unlikely they will actually remove the ransomware after you pay. Knowledge and a healthy dose of common sense will prevent them from accomplishing their goal.

Scammers attempt to get information from you by crafting clever emails that may make emotional plees for help, or emails which look like password reset notifications, or emails that appear to be from institutions you may be familiar with, such as the Government, IRS or banks.

For businesses it can get even more complicated as the scammers can get a lot of information about your business from publically accessible resources which enables them to craft very specific emails which can add to the “believability” of these messages. So what can you do to protect yourself and your business?

First, you must develop a distrust of all email. According to research conducted by Symantec, nearly 85% of all emails are spam or malicious. Their research indicates that almost 9 out of 10 emails were not considered legitimate messages and most of these emails contained malicious links or attachments designed to infect your computer.

Next, make sure you have all the basics covered. Keep your devices updated with security updates, make sure you have working antivirus and firewall software and ensure spam prevention settings have been configured for your email address.

Finally, be prepared to examine any email requesting information. If you’re to busy at the moment, do nothing with the email until you have time to examine it. What are you looking for in the email? Ask yourself, does this email make sense, do I have this service, this account, or this software? If not mark it as spam (or junk). Take a look at the From email address, does it make sense? Let’s say this is an email claiming to be from Netflix, and you have a Netflix account. As you examine the From address you notice its What would you do with this email? You should mark it as spam and delete it immediately. Look at the address closely: notice the address after the @ symbol …, that’s not right. We would expect something like How about this From address –, how’s that look to you? Look closely at the domain portion of the email (everything after the @ symbol). It says which is not Again mark as spam and delete.

It can take some time and practice, but be patient and thorough and you will be better protected from email scams.

If you have questions about email give PSA Computer Services a call at (707) 506-6802 or check us out on the web at